Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Mini chicks

These are the chicks that I had to make for a special order. The lady wanted mini ones rather than the 'big' chicks so she could hang them better on her Easter tree. I still need to make one more girl chick and then add loops on them so they can swing on the tree to their hearts content!
I thought that because they were mini they would take half the time to make but I was wrong! They actually took the same amount of time if not longer due to the fact that they were so fiddley in their miniture forms. But I got there in the end and I think they'll be perfect as decorations.
I took the picture of them in my hand so that you could really see just how small they are!!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

My idea of heaven!

I know it isn't for everyone but next week I'm off to the Gadget show live!! I've always had a soft spot for gadgets both old and new ever since I can remember. It's something both my Dad and I have in common and so months ago we ordered tickets to go to this event.
As you can tell I'm pretty excited! I've just been looking at the sort of things to do there and it looks great. There's different zones to go visit and then you've got lots of stands where people are selling gadgets.
I'm also really looking forward to this outing because we're going to stay with some friends that live in Birmingham. I haven't seen them for a good few months but we always have a blast with them so that should be good! The only downer is that I'll have to leave Jenna here in Kendal but it's only for a night or two.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Robot mural in part colour

So it's been exactly a week since my last post hasn't it! Where has that time gone?!
Well all the chicks that I made for charity have been sold today and all but one have got new homes. I've even got special request orders from people as well! I'm glad that they went as I spent almost all my free time trying to make a many as possible. I was a bit worried that I hadn't made enough because I had a day where I made none because I was really poorly that day. I had a really bad stomach pain to the extent that I collapsed and passed out on the floor!
But anyway, I digress.
Here are a few pictures showing you how my mural is coming along. I've been painting a little bit here and there whenever I feel like it. I've got a way to go yet till it's completely finished but it's taking shape. And because this wall was once blank, I used to watch my projected movies on there which is now hard to do unless I want to have robots in the movie too. So the solution to this problem was to buy a projection screen. Very nifty eh!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

comic strip

Ok so I know that I've already told you about the unfortunate adventures Jenna got up to a few weeks ago but when I was writing in my journal, I drew up a comic of it.
Thought you'd like to see it as I haven't really got much else to show you at the moment! I quite enjoyed drawing this up actually. I'm not the best cartoon drawer so it's good that I can work on it. Who knows, you may see a few more little comic strips coming on the blog in the future.
Jenna's doing great and learning lots of tricks. I think I mentioned in the sidebar that she can do paw didn't I? Well, now she can do high five too which is pretty cool. She's going out for longer walks now and yesterday I walked by the river. I jumped over onto the bridge bank and she was so scared about walking through the water! So I don't think she's going to be a sea rescue dog any time soon! This was all whilst on the lead so I had to do a lot of gentle pulling to make her move. She even aviods puddles too the little wimp.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Check my chicks!

Here are the little chicks I said I'd post once I had a good number of them to show!
I'm getting faster at making them now when I want to. I have to be completely focused in order to make one quickly though and this leaves me feeling pretty drained afterwards. I made two in one go once and I felt all chicked out! They're only small but they do take quite a bit of work.
Jenna does her bit to help out whenever she can. Although this I hasten to add is her version of help not mine! Whenever she gets the chance she loves to grab the ball of wool which is hard to pull from her mouth as it gets all tangled up in her teeth! Yesterday, she ran in from the garden with mud on her. So I now have yellow wool with bits of mud in it!! And I thought it was just cats who go crazy for balls of wool!!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

TJ the crocheted monkey

So I've finished the monkey the other day! Cory the knitted monkey didn't get much playtime with him though as TJ went to live with some very special people as soon as I'd made him! I'm a bit frustrated with how you can sort of see the stuffing inside him. I realised that I did a different stitch so that caused the 'visableness'. But hey! At least I learnt from it and I now don't do that certain stitch anymore on my stuffed toys. I've been working on making lots of chicks to sell for charity in the past few days. I've made 4 so far so I need to get a crack on if I want to make a good amount of money!! They don't take long to do so hopefully I can show you a picture of the lot of them in the next few days.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

puppies and aprons with tie strings...sounds like the sound of music!

It was my Nana's 70Th birthday the other day which we went down to celebrate at the weekend. Ellen and I really wanted to make her something nice so a couple of weeks ago we spent a few nights making this apron for her.
It's a bit of an heirloom really as all the fabric and skill needed to make this came from my Nana! She helped Ellen ages ago to make the patchwork which at the time was meant for a wall hanging and Nana taught me how to do the blanket stitch which you can see on the string ties. Even the thread and sewing machine we used was once Nana's!
We each embroidered our initials in the corners as well to make it a bit more personal. Overall she was chuffed to bits with it and we even managed to make her cry. The trouble we have now though is that she won't use it for the job it was designed for because she doesn't dare get it dirty!! Fair do's I guess!
An update on how Jenna's doing. She went to the vets yesterday and he was happy with the recovery she'd made whilst home. He gave her a thorough check with the stethoscop-e and was happy with the results of that so thankfully didn't need an x-ray or anything.
She's completely back to her normal self now and is being very cheeky!

Monday, 1 March 2010

1st of March but a heck of a lot happened last month!

I'm back and this time, I'm determined to make it 'for good' so to speak I promise!!
Things have been going great with my puppy... well sort of!
I've only had her a month and already she's had to have two big trips to the vets. The first trip was because of an accident involving a certain wiggy waggy tail and a door. Yep, you can guess what happened there can't you! So that turned out expensive because she needed an operation to put stitches in. And just this weekend whilst we were away for a family party, Jenna took a really bad turn and suddenly required lots care. What with it being Sunday evening, she went and stayed at the vets house but he later had to take her to the surgery for a better check out as she had worsened by the late evening. He did an operation on her to insert a camera down her lungs. Anyway he found that she had fluid or a blood clot on her lungs so that needed lots of treatment and x-rays.
It was so sweet when we went to collect her today though. We went in and found her in one of the cages lying flat out all sorry for herself. When she saw it was me, she literally just jumped into my arms and gave me a big lick and hug. This little reunion actually made my mum cry!!
In other news, I have actually managed to make a start on the Amigurumi I was talking about. I've started off first making a monkey 'compa-nion'
for Cory! The head actually now has a body but because of everything that has happened in the last few days, I haven't gotten round to taking a picture of this development!
I hope you enjoy my blog again after that month off! I'm off to give Jenna her meds now so toodaloos!