I'm getting faster at making them now when I want to. I have to be completely focused in order to make one quickly though and this leaves me feeling pretty drained afterwards. I made two in one go once and I felt all chicked out! They're only small but they do take quite a bit of work.

Jenna does her bit to help out whenever she can. Although this I hasten to add is her version of help not mine! Whenever she gets the chance she loves to grab the ball of wool which is hard to pull from her mouth as it gets all tangled up in her teeth! Yesterday, she ran in from the garden with mud on her. So I now have yellow wool with bits of mud in it!! And I thought it was just cats who go crazy for balls of wool!!
Brilliant! Will they grow into woolly chickens?
Are they free range?
Well at the moment they are in the confines of my bedroom although one or two have had free range of the garden by getting a lift in Jenna's mouth.
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