Now that I've got various projects done and out of the way, I thought it was time to start up my model plane making again!
So the dope came out once more to stink up the room and make the hamster high again!
Oh and speaking of the hamster, she decided to go on a little adventure the other day with the aid of my mother. Honestly, you can't get the staff around here anymore. I leave for a few days with Mum in charge of the hamster and she helps it to escape! When I came home I went up to see her only to find her gone! So anyway, after much searching we eventually found her under my bed all cosy in her makeshift nest of shredded bedding material!
So where were we... Oh yeah the plane. Well as you can see, I've applied half of the tissue covering on the fuselage. This took about an hour to do I would say. It looks quite fiddly but it isn't really once you get the hang of it. The plastic cone has been added on the tip of the plane too. I had to do a lot of sanding to get that to fit on!
In case your wondering about the title of this blog I'll explain. It's a big coincidence what with this whole thing about planes but the RAF is actually my initials! Cool or what!