I realised in my post yesterday that I mentioned going travelling. This is a pretty exciting prospect so I thought that I would go into more detail about it in this post.
Now that Ellen has finished sixth form, she has decided to take a gap year whilst she figures what it is she wants to do next. Going off travelling has been something that has been lightly discussed for a while now and so hopefully it will happen sometime next year.
No plans have been made yet but as we have family in both New Zealand and Australia we'll stay with them. As well as going down under, we're thinking of maybe getting one of those around the world tickets. It will be great to see other countries too. No idea which countries we'll go to but if you've been anywhere exciting then let us know!
I'll admit that when Ellen first proposed the idea of going travelling I was a bit unsure. For the people that know me, I've been through so much in recent years that being so independent and going off travelling by our own seemed such a big step for me. But I figured that this is a brilliant opportunity and one that cannot be missed. It will mean that I'll be leaving Jenna behind but Mum and Dad have been encouraging me to go so much that they say they're more than happy to look after her.
So yes. Watch this space.