This is my most recent crafty creation... well one that I can show you. I'm making Christmas presents but obviously I can't show you them until they have gone to the recipients. Don't want to give the surprises away now do I?
I've been wanting some badges for my guitar strap but in my search for them I found it to be very expensive in comparison to just making your own. I pondered into getting a little kiddies badge maker kit but held back on the basis that they might not be that reliable.
Thinking upon his mini conundrum, I suddenly had a brainwave. I know of people who can
get hold of lots of bottle caps so why not make badges out of them?! Oh and by the way, these people aren't raging alcoholics, they just work in places that have bars!

Inside the caps are little MOO stickers which were the leftovers from my laptop sticker cover project. I then bought some brooch pins and super glued them on the back. Here they are on my guitar strap. I'll have to order some more stickers as I've run out. These were all the badges I could make to put on my strap so far.
It felt quite strange making something that only took a few minutes to do. I'm so used to things like knitting which take time to achieve the final results. These would be a perfect thing to make and sell. My brain is now whirring with the potential!