A friend gave me a pumpkin that she grew in her allotment the other day! I've never carved a pumpkin before so was pretty eager to try it! In fact, I got straight to work on it as soon as she left!
Had a bit of an accident whilst hollowing it out though! I now have a thumb nail that is sliced in two and a tiny bit of it hanging off! OUCH! It hurts a lot especially when I catch it on something and it pulls the nail even more. When I showed it to my Mum it turned her stomach and she rarely gets squemish... well, that's what she says!!!!!
Regular followers of my blog may be getting a sense of de ja vu right now! No?
I've based the pumpkin on a character I drew a few weeks back. I put on the painted cardboard pieces so it would look even more like the drawing! What do you think?!