Ok! So this is my latest project! As my Dad says, I don't do things by halves. I couldn't just do a simple short scarf with one colour oh no! I had to go and do a huge, drape along the floor length scarf! Specifically the fourth doctor's scarf which was Tom Baker!
Here's how it's looking so far. I'm not a particularly fast knitter so it takes a while for it to grow. But hey! I should have it done by next Christmas lol. I was thinking that in the summer months when it's too hot to wear it (although with the summers we get I might have to rethink that last statement... Oh listen to me! That was so typically british!) I might drape it on my wall as a sort of knitted display. It just seems a shame to spend so much time making it only to wear it for a sort time you know. Don't worry, I won't show you an update of how it's going every week cos that would be well boring and not too dissimilar to watching paint dry!
I'll just show it to you every now and again.