For all of today I have been busy in my room measuring and cutting out black paper. I went out to the shops yesterday and got a big roll of it. I wanted to spice up my mirrors a bit and thought that to do them up in a film reel style would be pretty cool. The whole process took longer than I thought it would but I did go at a slow pace because I'm a bit under the weather with a cold at the moment.
All the squares you see were orignally white card that I lined up beforehand to get it perfecto. Once I was happy with it I then hand to cut out all these squares with a carving knife in order to get the see through effect. I was going to put strips going across the mirror so it would look the the frames in the reel but I had to take them off becuase when I looked, it made my reflection all break up so I wouldn't then have a proper mirror which was part of the point of this whole project...to have a cool mirror!
All in all, not a bad days work! Let me know what you think!