Ok so I know that I've already told you about the unfortunate adventures Jenna got up to a few weeks ago but when I was writing in my journal, I drew up a comic of it.
Thought you'd like to see it as I haven't really got much else to show you at the moment! I quite enjoyed drawing this up actually. I'm not the best cartoon drawer so it's good that I can work on it. Who knows, you may see a few more little comic strips coming on the blog in the future.
Jenna's doing great and learning lots of tricks. I think I mentioned in the sidebar that she can do paw didn't I? Well, now she can do high five too which is pretty cool. She's going out for longer walks now and yesterday I walked by the river. I jumped over onto the bridge bank and she was so scared about walking through the water! So I don't think she's going to be a sea rescue dog any time soon! This was all whilst on the lead so I had to do a lot of gentle pulling to make her move. She even aviods puddles too the little wimp.