I got these really cool prints yesterday for my room. I spotted them and love them straight away. I don't know why I'm drawn to them so much. Prehaps it's because I love building things and seeing how they work. It's also pretty retro too and I guess a little quirky especially when you think that it's for a 17 year old to have in her room!
It was a bargin too! They were only £3.99! I'm a stickler for finding those bargins out there. Today I went into town to buy some DVD's and got some of the ones I wanted off a market stall for two quid each! I had a good laugh to myself when I went into HMV and found the DVD's I had just bought for more than double the price!
I'm on a quest at the moment to create an awesome DVD collection... well, awesome for me! My collection might be someone's collection nightmare! I seem to be getting a lot of Sci-Fi and action/thriller ones at the moment. If you know of any cracking DVD's that fit those genres then please let me know! Tell me the films that you consider to be the best films ever!