Deary me! Is it just me is it always the case when Christmas holidays happen that you lose track of the days?! For ages now I haven't known what day we're on! It just feels like it all sort of blurs into one.
It's a cute little monkey isn't it! I call him Cory. As you can see though he's a little bit naked and I've looked everywhere to learn how to make clothes for him with little success. If any of you guys know how or where I could find some cool clothes patterns then please let me know!
Anyway! I've been busy over the last few days on a number of things. I got a knit it Monkey set for Christmas and yesterday I completed it! I really enjoyed doing it which is a problem. I'm now 100 percent addicted to it! I've found the more I learn about a craft, the more I realise the creative potentials in it which is really exciting. I'm wanting to try out embroidery now as I've found a site that does 'cool embroidery' that's not like your grannys! (No offense!) But I feel I've got to hold of this idea for now as I've already got so much to do!

I've also been round today to visit the puppies! I can't get over how much they've grown and changed. They are now in a pen and play with toys and eachother which is so lovely to watch. They're showing their characters too. Quite a few of them now have owners now. People have been going round to see them and choose which one they want. It's going to be so weird when they start leaving and I'll miss going round to play and have cuddles with them! But hopefully, it won't be long before I get a puppy of my own so that makes up for it!