If any of you just happened to be wondering what I've been up to today then here it is! I made a battenburg cake.
Of course, it didn't take me all day. I've been up to other stuff too like guitar lessons and cycling.
Thank you very much to my aunt who gave me the recipe for this. It came out really well as you can see.
I did have a few hiccups though and one rather blonde moment! For some reason the cake just wouldn't cook so I ended up having to whack up the heat. The cake was in for a total of 40 minutes as oppose to the suggested 25-30 mins. Don't know what happened there but eventually it cooked.

My blonde moment in the baking process came at the end when I had to heat up the jam. Ok then, I thought. So on went a saucepan on the hob and I plopped a spoonful of jam in. BIG mistake! The noise and smoke that came from this pan was insane. I'm really surprised it didn't set of the smoke alarm.
I quickly got the jam out and slowly started to pour water in as it was spitting out little bits of boiling sugar everywhere.
Not clever!
If saucepans were to convey emotions, this one would be very angry indeed!
But it all worked out and I've got a big thumbs up from people who have got their chops around a bit.