Saturday, 23 June 2012

And so the crocheting obsession grows...

Oh I don't have find crocheting addicting sometimes! I don't crochet all the time but when I do, I get hooked! Ok so that was a pretty bad joke but it kind of had to be said!

As mentioned in my last post, I was in the process of making a crochet cushion. Well, here is a peek of how it's looking at the moment:

Well as you can see, I'm making a granny square cushion!

Rummaging through my wool hamper, I picked random colours and gradually built up enough squares to form what is looking more like the beginnings of a cushion. As I have accumulated a reasonable collection of wool throughout the years, I thought that this would be the perfect chance to use up the supplies a bit and those colours that for some reason never really get used too much.

I also chose the main colour scheme as blue as this is the colour that I'm hoping to paint my room with. I'm in the process at the moment of collecting blue pillows to bulk up my sofa/bed 'thing'.

As I have now finished college for the year (where did that time go!) I now have a full summer to get on with those little projects that have been put on the back burner for the crazy time that was puppy breeding and of course college in itself. Decorating my room in a nice tone of blue and generally updating the look to something that fits where I am now, I think making this cushion is a nice way to start!

To keep you in the know how, I'll create a big reveal post when the cushion is finished which hopefully won't be too long. Up next though, stay tuned for a post of the baking kind!