Hey guys! Time for some much needed catch up time.
I had a scan done on Jenna the other week and it has been comfirmed, Jenna is definitely pregnant! The scan was pretty amazing as you could see the little puppies with their hearts beating and everything!
So with her due to give birth sometime next week, I've trying to get as prepared as possible for their arrival.
This leads me onto the whelping box. I remember saying weeks ago that I was building one but with one thing or another, just haven't got round to posting on here about the finished piece. So here goes:
I'm quite pleased with the result as I had designed it from scratch. After measuring out on a scratty piece of paper on the way to the shop to buy the wood, I think I got away with my slap dash approach. Ok so the floor wasn't quite measured right but this was fine as the lino helped seal the gap in!
But no, I did spend a lot of time researching whelping boxes so it was fairly thought out.
As you can see, the front comes up and down so Jenna can walk in easily. Once the puppies grow up, I've got another bit of wood that goes on top to keep them in.
Big thanks goes out to my Dad too! He helped me put all the sides together and today, we've made some more adjustments to the box which I'll put pictures on tomorrow as I don't have them right now.
To help her get used to the box as much as possible, Jenna has been sleeping in it at night times. This has been interesting as it's meant she's slept downstairs. Up until now, she's always slept in a crate in my room. A few barks in the early hours of the morning has meant that we're probably getting a taste of what is to come when there will be more of them howling and whining at night!
Jenna herself is well but as you can see, she's looking a lot larger and decidedly more fed up by the day! It's so funny to see her like this as the once full of beans dog now plods about everywhere walking very much slower than before. I'd worry about her if it wasn't for the fact that she still manages to jump about when it's time for dinner!
So as I said, she's due sometime next week so it's all very exciting. Watch this space as in a couple of weeks, I should have some puppy photos providing all goes well.