Well first of all let me just apologise for my absence. As I'm sure is the case for most people, I've been very busy with my preparations for Christmas especially considering that I have decided to knit my presents for the family this year. Blinking heck it's been a knitting frenzy trying to get everything completed. There have been quite a few panic stricken moments where I didn't think I would get it done but I have managed to pull it out of the knitting bag! Yes excusing that rather bad pun, I am finally able to lay down the knitting needles and say I am finished on the present front . I'm in the process now of making Christmas tags to go with the wrapping paper.
This is all rather annoying actually. Here I am all excited as I've got all this crafty goodness to show you but because they're presents and thus a surprise for the recipients, I can't divulge any information. So you'll have to wait for show and tell time till after Christmas I'm afraid.
Now that my presents are all taken care of, I think it's time that I pay some attention to my other project; a crocheted tree top star decoration I made a start on a while back. It's perching on top of the Christmas tree quite miserably at the moment begging me to complete it's other points. I'll do that today so it'll sitting proud for Christmas day I think.