And now it's time for a mouthwatering post.
My twin sister and I made some chocolate truffles this evening. We drove over to Asda to buy some chocolate and ground almonds first though. I real sign of the times there actually. Ellen can drive now so there is no more having to wait till a parent is free to take us; if we want chocolate this evening then I'll be darn it, we will get chocolate! Oh what freedom...that is until we have to pay for the petrol.
Speaking of driving, I'm now learning. I've had a few lessons now which are so far going quite well. Although having said that, I did have a lesson today after not being behind the wheel for a couple of weeks so I was a bit...rusty. Lets just say I found it rather amusing when panic crept into the voice of my instructor today!
Anyway, back to the truffle making. They were really quick and easy to do and taste GoooD with a capital 'g' and 'd'. Ellen has warned me that when she's a student with no money, this will be what I get for a Christmas present which is fine by me! I love white chocolate so I've requested some of those. They really do make the best presents. If you put them in a pretty little box with packaging, it will look like a high class gift with little effort.
What I really loved about truffle making though is that it's messy! Or that might just be because we made it unnecessarily so. I'm still finding choco powder on me even now!