I got this knitting book the other week. It has lots of cute patterns to knit including some bunnies which I thought would be perfect for up and coming Easter.
The idea I had is to make as many I can and sell them to raise money for charity. This is an idea under 'early development' at the moment so I'm not quite sure I'd sell them. Maybe at Church or the Christian book shop.
And also, now that Jenna is now home with me, it means that most of my day is spent looking after her. I don't know how many I'll get to make so I may have to postpone the knit for charity till Jenna is more mature.
This also means that I might not post on my blog as often as I did too so bare with me if this is the case! I'll try to post as often as possible I

I'm having so much fun having Jenna here! She's such a joy to be able to focus on and look after. I took her to the vets today for her vaccinations and she was as good as gold.

The vet even said that I had a good dog there and that she was lovely. Here are some pictures of her at home!!