I know it isn't for everyone but next week I'm off to the Gadget show live!! I've always had a soft spot for gadgets both old and new ever since I can remember. It's something both my Dad and I have in common and so months ago we ordered tickets to go to this event.
As you can tell I'm pretty excited! I've just been looking at the sort of things to do there and it looks great. There's different zones to go visit and then you've got lots of stands where people are selling gadgets.
I'm also really looking forward to this outing because we're going to stay with some friends that live in Birmingham. I haven't seen them for a good few months but we always have a blast with them so that should be good! The only downer is that I'll have to leave Jenna here in Kendal but it's only for a night or two.
Your dad's going to be very busy next week what with golf and gadgets! I suppose you could add grinding for the work bit - I like alliteration. I've just received the e card - really cheered me up. trying to work up the energy to go to the food mine but think it'll wait 'til tomorrow. Glad you are better - do you think all your projects are too demanding on concentration? You have such high standards. Anyway what do I know! Have a great time at the gadget show. Lol Granny x
Hi Granny. Glad you enjoyed the ecard. Yes you're right I do have high standards so that can mean that I get myself overtired at times because I don't know when to stop!! But at the moment it's quite the opposite on the concentration front. I do have lots of projects on the go but my concentration is so scattered at the moment that I'm hardly ever productive with my time. It's so frustrating! But I'm devising a planner for my days so hopefully I'll get more done then!x
Best way to make yourself feel productive is to write a list and cross things off.
But the crucial part is this - put on it things you have already done and cross those off - makes you feel good and like carrying on to knock a few more things off!
yeah like the first thing you put on the list is: Write list! Well you can cross that off straight away because you've done it.
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