Well all the chicks that I made for charity have been sold today and all but one have got new homes. I've even got special request orders from people as well! I'm glad that they went as I spent almost all my free time trying to make a many as possible. I was a bit worried that I hadn't made enough because I had a day where I made none because I was really poorly that day. I had a really bad stomach pain to the extent that I collapsed and passed out on the floor!
But anyway, I digress.

Here are a few pictures showing you how my mural is coming along. I've been painting a little bit here and there whenever I feel like it. I've got a way to go yet till it's completely finished but it's taking shape. And because this wall was once blank, I used to watch my projected movies on there which is now hard to do unless I want to have robots in the movie too. So the solution to this problem was to buy a projection screen. Very nifty eh!
Looking good so far! Glad the chicks have gone. Bad luck about the stomach pain - hope you weren't out of it for long!
This blooging stuff is a bit addictive isn't it? Have you got a stat counter?
thanks. I'm off to do some more painting now actually. I like to do it today because then the project I'm doing has the same letter at the beginning of the word as the day. You know like Mural Monday. Prehaps a bit OCD but hey!
I don't think I was out for long. About a minute mum told me but it was long enough to give her a scare. I felt really guilty for that but it couldn't be helped!
Yes, blogging is addictive isn't it! I'm forever looking round trying to see if there's anything interesting enough for me to blog about! But I'm not sure what you mean by a stat counter?
The mural looks great as it is - leaves something to the imagination.
But I know that it's half finished though! It NEEDS to be finished!!
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