Things have been going great with my puppy... well sort of!
I've only had her a month and already she's had to have two big trips to the vets. The first trip was because of an accident involving a certain wiggy waggy tail and a door. Yep, you can guess what happened there can't you! So that turned out expensive because she needed an operation to put stitches in. And just this weekend whilst we were away for a family party, Jenna took a really bad turn and suddenly required lots care. What with it being Sunday evening, she went and stayed at the vets house but he later had to take her to the surgery for a better check out as she had worsened by the late evening. He did an operation on her to insert a camera down her lungs. Anyway he found that she had fluid or a blood clot on her lungs so that needed lots of treatment and x-rays.
It was so sweet when we went to collect her today though. We went in and found her in one of the cages lying flat out all sorry for herself. When she saw it was me, she literally just jumped into my arms and gave me a big lick and hug. This little reunion actually made my mum cry!!
In other news, I have actually managed to make
a start on the Amigurumi I was talking about. I've started off first making a monkey 'compa-nion'

for Cory! The head actually now has a body but because of everything that has happened in the last few days, I haven't gotten round to taking a picture of this development!
I hope you enjoy my blog again after that month off! I'm off to give Jenna her meds now so toodaloos!
How is she doing today?
yeah she seems a bit brighter today thanks. Still a bit quit but she has been rather poorly bless her! She's going for a check up on Wednesday so hopefully everything will show up clear. I must admit, I didn't sleep that great because I was worried about her all night!!
What's the latest?
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