Thursday, 16 February 2012

The icing on the cake!

Well I've just seen the last time I posted on here and saw that it was way back in November, so bad! That can't be right I thought but it's there in black and white! So guess I should start off this post by saying happy new year even though that seems ridiculous also as we are now well into 2012!

With the half term now well underway, I've had some free time on my hands which has been great after a very busy but brilliant half term at college where I did photography working with film and developing in the darkroom as just one of the things I got up to!

But anyway, back to half term. With my sister having a very late birthday party today, she and I were busy at work yesterday making a birthday cake. She is having a henna party with a lady coming in to create henna on the girls and hopefully me too!

So what better way to bring in this theme than to do henna of an edible kind on the cake!

Pretty yummy if I do say so myself! It's a Victoria sponge cake decorated iced beautifully by my sister, Megan. She was a bit reluctant at first to ice as she was afraid that she would ruin it bless her. To help her start, I traced the flower onto the cake for her to ice over. After that, she was away and there was no stopping her! The side of the cake is all her own making and the love heart shapes on the top make perfect holders for the candles to go on later!

As I said before, she did a beautiful job and I'm really quite proud of her!

1 comment:

Granny said...

What an original, delicious looking cake - with the beautiful bunting and the artwork you could outdo Kirsty in her efforts to promote traditional crafts.
Love it! x