Tuesday, 8 November 2011


So better late than never! Here are some of the photos I took of Durham. It really is a very picturesque place with a lovely vibe about it.
One of the problems I found was that it was quite a bright day which made photo taking a bit tricky at times. Still, enough of the ramblings, have a look!

No, this isn't her Halloween costume!

Ellen's made the place a lot more like home since I last saw it.

Looked round Hogwarts, I mean Durham Cathedral!

You've got to take a picture of people rowing in Durham!

I always keep my eyes peeled for street art wherever I go. I love this one!!

I wonder if Ellen wrote this?!

Poster in Ellen's room

We went to see this awesome guy playing called Sam Brookes.
 So that was a little glimpse of Durham through the eyes of me there! I took so many more photos but these are definitely my favourites and what I think sum up my stay.

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