Monday, 30 November 2009
Attention all viewers!
As you all know, tomorrow is the first day of December and thus meaning the first window to open on your advent calendars!
What's that I hear you cry?! You don't have an advent calendar? Oh ok, you do but it's just the same old cardboard box with little chocolates in it that you get every year?
You want a truly unique advent this year don't you! Well your in the right place for that because for every day of the countdown to Christmas, I'm going to put up a little 5-10 second animation which will hopefully depict all the things associated with Christmas! The idea of them is that they are loop animations meaning that you play them over and over and it looks like it doesn't ever stop.
So this means I'm going to be pretty busy over this month as I've only completed a few of them so far. They might be a bit boring and short and so I apologise for that in advance but even a 10 second film takes me about two hours to complete!
I'm hoping to learn a lot through this project so that will be really cool if I do!
So please do tune in everyday to open up the windows on your animated calendar won't you!
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Fimo space invaders!

I bought some Fimo the other day! I've wanted to get my hands on the stuff for a while now but haven't gotten round to it what with all the projects I've been busy with.
I thought it would be cool to make a little wall art piece with them. I love retro graphics especially space invaders so I thought it would be awsome to have a little renactment of the game playing on my wall! These are four of the characters that have been created so far. I'm not quite sure how many I'm going to be able to make as I only got one of each colour of the rainbow to start me off.
The idea I have is that I'll have the aliens arranged so that it looks like they've formatted in a 'b' shape but if that looks stupid then I'll just put them in a random pattern.
Friday, 27 November 2009

For most of this week I've been learning to crochet! I've wanted to be able to do it for ages but everytime I've tried it's always ended up as a knotted mess on the needle! Thankfully my Nana was up to stay with us so I got her to teach me. She was a great teacher and I learnt it fairly quickly. The one in the picture was the first one that I made completely on my own so I'm pretty pleased with myself! I'm looking to make a cushion out of them with four squares covering each side. I thought that making a blanket straight off might be a bit too adventurous! I think I've got enough long term projects going on at the moment. One of which I'll tell you about in the very near future!
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Film reel mirror!

For all of today I have been busy in my room measuring and cutting out black paper. I went out to the shops yesterday and got a big roll of it. I wanted to spice up my mirrors a bit and thought that to do them up in a film reel style would be pretty cool. The whole process took longer than I thought it would but I did go at a slow pace because I'm a bit under the weather with a cold at the moment.
All the squares you see were orignally white card that I lined up beforehand to get it perfecto. Once I was happy with it I then hand to cut out all these squares with a carving knife in order to get the see through effect. I was going to put strips going across the mirror so it would look the the frames in the reel but I had to take them off becuase when I looked, it made my reflection all break up so I wouldn't then have a proper mirror which was part of the point of this whole have a cool mirror!
All in all, not a bad days work! Let me know what you think!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
I'm melting, I'm melting!!!!!

Here are some pictures of Kendal where the River Kent has burst it's banks in true style! I think
I heard somewhere that this has been the worst flooding here for 55 years. At the moment we're sort of stranded in Kendal as the road leading in and out of Kendal resembles more of a river than an eligible driving surface!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009
There's a spider web in my room!

I've been busy making this web for a couple of days and tonight I've finally finished it! It was suprisingly hard work actually because it involved me standing on my desk, moulding the wire into place and using a very tempermental stapler.
The most frustrating thing about this project though was just as I thought I ha
d finished, I stood back to admire my handywork only to discover that I had stuck on the 'waves' the wrong way round! So that meant I had to untack it all and turn it round! SO annoying.
Anyway, after all that, I was eventually happy with the result. What I'm going to do with it is use it as a notice/display board. So I'm going to buy some little pegs and then put up my drawings and animation ideas!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Doctor who:Waters of Mars

Whoah! My mind is stuffed with the new episode of Doctor Who at the moment! Personally, I thought it was brilliant! I felt that David Tennant gave his best performance as The Doctor for a long time as well.
Have to admit though, I did get a bit worried that he'd lost his marbles at the end. But my trail of thought is that throughout the episode he was saying how important the Captain Adelaide Brooke was to history. Well I just wonder if maybe she was important not just for the reasons that The Doctor said she was, but for also getting him to snap out from his drunkenness of power. Just my little theory there!
The Christmas episode looks like a good'en as well! Bring it on!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Have you got the guts to do any of these things?
So these are all the annoying but I think rather funny things you can do in a lift... if you the guts that is! I dare you to try one of these things out next time your in a lift and if you do PLEASE tell me how it went because I'm weird and evidently have no life! Ok, so here they are!:
- WHEN arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act as if you're embarrassed when they open themselves.
- MEOW occasionally
- SAY -DING at each floor.
- WHEN the elevator is silent, look around and ask: "Is that your mobile?"
- WHEN there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder, then pretend it wasn't you
- PRETEND you're a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the Passengers
Monday, 9 November 2009
Doctor who scarf!

Ok! So this is my latest project! As my Dad says, I don't do things by halves. I couldn't just do a simple short scarf with one colour oh no! I had to go and do a huge, drape along the floor length scarf! Specifically the fourth doctor's scarf which was Tom Baker!
Here's how it's looking so far. I'm not a particularly fast knitter so it takes a while for it to grow. But hey! I should have it done by next Christmas lol. I was thinking that in the summer months when it's too hot to wear it (although with the summers we get I might have to rethink that last statement... Oh listen to me! That was so typically british!) I might drape it on my wall as a sort of knitted display. It just seems a shame to spend so much time making it only to wear it for a sort time you know. Don't worry, I won't show you an update of how it's going every week cos that would be well boring and not too dissimilar to watching paint dry!
I'll just show it to you every now and again.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Room in progress!

Well today my Dad and I have been busy painting my room. I've been pestering him for ages to get round to doing it! The yellowy cream colour is from the camo wall so it will blend in well hopefully. I also wanted a fairly plain colour because I'm planning on putting lots of cool things up and have my artwork on my wall too.
Here's how it's looking so far and also a plan of what I'm putting on the walls. This is only one wall of the design by the way just incase you think I'm living in such severe poverty that I can only afford a bedroom with one wall!
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
My DVD collection so far...

You may remember me asking a few weeks ago for some suggestions on what dvds you would recommend. Well, I've been on a little spending spree in a recent HMV sale and got all of these! I bet you guys are probably thinking, whoah! She certainly splashed the cash getting so many dvd's! But because it was the sale it meant that the most expensive dvd I got was about 4 pounds. Most of them were £2.99 so I got a pretty good bargain!
In there are quite a few that I've already seen but really enjoyed and therefore want to see again. I also have a few that I haven't seen but have got brilliant ratings so I thought they'd be worth a look.
I think you can tell a lot about people when you look at their various collections of dvds, music and books. You choose such things by using solely your personal preferences so it's like your printing a part of you onto the collection you compiled together. I'd be quite interested to see what you think my collection says about me!
You might not be able to see what all the titles are so here's the list of them all!
The Island
Mercury Rising
Million Dollar Baby
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Flight 93
Monday, 2 November 2009
Mini monster...small but deadly!

But only I guess if your a prey made out of wool!
I actually made this a few weeks ago. As soon as I came up with the idea to do a mini version of the knitted monster, I went straight to it. I worked all the next day on it and finished it by the evening!
The reason I didn't post the little guy on sooner was because his petite size meant that he fell down the side of my bed out of reach. Only just got round right now to fishing him out with the aid of a golf putter so I could take his picture! I halved the measurements of the original to make him but you wouldn't think it when you see them together would you?!
I can tell you one thing though. Knitting doesn't half have the potential to give you a repetitive strain injury! My hands were quite sore after all the knitting I did!
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