For most of this week I've been learning to crochet! I've wanted to be able to do it for ages but everytime I've tried it's always ended up as a knotted mess on the needle! Thankfully my Nana was up to stay with us so I got her to teach me. She was a great teacher and I learnt it fairly quickly. The one in the picture was the first one that I made completely on my own so I'm pretty pleased with myself! I'm looking to make a cushion out of them with four squares covering each side. I thought that making a blanket straight off might be a bit too adventurous! I think I've got enough long term projects going on at the moment. One of which I'll tell you about in the very near future!
Ha - one summer in about 1402 my friend Merran and I made about 6,000 crochet squares and turned them into very groovy (at the time) waistcoats. Mine was orange...
Now then I need your help - I have just seen Star Trek on DVD. Thought it was excellent but am very confused about how Spock can exist in two places at once. And what is the old Spock off to do now?
wow! 6000 squares! How many waistcoats did you make out of all of them? Or were they just really small squares enough to make for two?
Star trek is good isnt it! I saw it when it came out in the cinema so it was a while ago. These time continuium plots often are pretty confusing but really clever nonetheless. I seem to remember that the old spock was devising a black hole or something like that in his time to stop a supernova from destroying the galaxy but before he could make his plan work, it destroyed the baddies of the films planet. The baddy survives this but seeks revenge on the old spock but whilst he they were fighting I think they got caught in the black hole which sent them back in time. The bad guy gets through first which is where the film starts. The bad guy distroys the Vulcan planet killing most of the race so the old spock now goes off with the surviving vulcans to help start up a new colony but the young spock want to go too but the old spock tells his younger self to stay cos he needs to be on the enterprise! Got it?!
Ah right that makes (more) sense now.
But surely it changes the whole dynamic of the original Enterprise adventures if Spock knows what happens in the future? I'm sure Dr Who would have a few things to say about that if he ever meets up with Spock in some intergalactic pub...
Also I don't remember Vulcan as having been destroyed in the original series but I could be wrong. Maybe Spock and the Doctor should have a few drinks together and lament their lost planets...
Well it wasn't actually 6,000 squares. It just felt like it. Probably more like a hundred or so. Harrumph.
well no i don't think it would change the dynamics of the enterprise adventures because all of what went on in the film happened just before they start on enterprise. In actual fact, the old spock makes sure that they go on to have all the adventures because the young spock wanted to go with him but he said no you have to go on enterprise. So if you look at it that way, he doesn't change anything but rather enforces it happening.
Love the vision of spock and the doctor lamenting over lost planets!
I suppose I am just thinking in terms of young Spock knowing that he won't die etc etc and this would change the way he thought and acted. But maybe he does actually know all that but keeps it quiet in his Vulcan way...
Yes which pub do you think they'd go to? The Warp Drive? The Negative Neutron? The Phaser and Screwdriver?
The phaser and the screwdriver is a good place for them to go. I hear though that it used to be called the phaser and the laser after the doctor's spanner but it got renamed a few light years ago now.
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