Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Well, I thought that I would just quickly let you know how I've been getting on these past couple of days as lots been happening!

My maths exam went so so really. I wasn't really expecting it to go brilliantly but still, whatever the result, I can just put it down to experience and try again!

I've just come back from my assessment for my art course...after being fairly worried with what the outcome would be it turns out that I've come out with full marks, double distinction!

Obviously this is good news and I've been told to go away and have a well deserved evening off. Hmm...what to do?! The possibilities are endless! I might chill with a movie and do some crocheting or something crafty I think! It's been an age since I done any at all.


Nana and Grandad said...

We're sure you did your best for the maths exam, as you say it all comes down to experience. What do we say to the Result of the final piece. WOW how interesting to see the camera like that, and put it together again, excellent drawing somthing I can't do. Well done. love Nana and Grandad xx

Bekah Funning said...

aww thanks! xxx