Ok, so I know that I was going to put up a sneaky peak of the crocheted gift I had made but as it's taken me so long to write this post, the receiver of the present has now had the little bird for so long now that this post is now just a straight up, plain and simple reveal.
First things first though, I feel I should give credit for the creation to a lady who has a blog called Attic 24. This is a lovely blog that is full of lovely crocheted items where she often puts the patterns for them on her blog for free!
As I'm on one of my crochet rampages where I can't seem to get enough of it at the moment, I searched through some ideas on what to crochet my friend.
I find it funny how I switch to preferring knitting and then switching again to crochet. I never tend to have a knitting project and crochet project running at the same time either. I guess it's because it's craft offers different things. Crochet is generally faster so is great to do on the side with college work.
But anyway, I went of one a little natter there. Back on track now. I saw this pattern for the bird a while back and for some reason thought that this gift would be something that would suit her. Choosing colours not to dissimilar to the tutorial, I ended up with this cute little thing!
Do you like it? I think it's got quite a quirky cute look about it which was something I thought my friend would enjoy. It ended up travelling in the post although not flying there but rather squashed up in the only size jiffy bag I could find. It's made of strong stuff though so I'm sure it survived the journey!
As well as crocheting this, I'm also busy crocheting a pillow for myself. This seems a fairly simple project considering that it's me but as funny as it sounds, I've actually wanted to make one for a long time but been distracted with all the amazing knitted toys I realised you could make!
I'll show you some photos of this as soon as I've put them on my computer so expect a post coming shortly. This should be a guarantee as I have now finished college! I'm all done and dusted for the year which seems pretty crazy as it didn't feel long ago that I started the course!
Still, it's been a great year and now looms ahead the exciting prospect of a whole summer to catch up on those projects that have been put on the back burner. This should mean some more frequent blog posts and although I know, it's something I always say but I'm determined to keep a better record of the things that I do now that I'm not run over with my college blog now.
Honestly, I've got so many things to tell you already that I think will make pretty juicy posts so please do join me in my reminiscing of the recent past!
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