Thought I'd show you a couple of the things I've been up to in college these past few weeks.
Our assignment this half term has been about working with 3D materials. It's been so cool the amount of the things we've been allowed to try out. Wood work, different types of printing, wire and plaster are just some of the mediums I've been giving a go.
Working on a theme of objects that inspire creativity for our design with wood, I created this clapperboard mounted on a background of words from the acting world.
Working with wire, we were allowed to do anything we wanted for our theme. Inspired by my travels, I created a wire globe all about the favourite country Ellen and I visited, New Zealand. It's really hard to take a good picture of wire I've found but you can probably just make out the countries on the outside of the globe with some Maori pendants hanging inside.
As we're now coming near to the half term holidays, we're now in the process of finishing up this assignment. For this, we have to create a final piece by creating a sculpture out of any of the materials we've worked with.
I haven't got a finished piece to show you yet, but here's a sneaky glimpse of the final design for you to look at:
I'm also still doing a bit of knitting and crocheting whenever I have the time. I think me knitting and crocheting is like me with reading. I've always got to have some form of wooly craft on the go just like I've always got to have a book to read!
I'm currently crocheting some bunting for Ellen to go in her uni room. I've asked her how long she wants the bunting to be in which she replied, 2.5 metres! I've got to get cracking then! I'd say I've got about a metre done and the first five triangles are now in the process of being blocked to give them more of a triangled shape.
It's a shame I can't show you them but I can't risk my sister seeing them as I want them to be a surprise. But to give you an idea, they're going to look a bit like the bunting below.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little show and tell post! I'm now off to make some more triangles I think whilst my Dad's downstairs watching Wales play rugby. I can't hear any shouting at the telly going on which he is often prone to doing when watching Wales, so I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not!
Oh I tell a lie, Dad's just given a few gruffly shouted words of encouragement to Wales as I was typing!
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