Happy new year! Hope you had a good night and aren't too hung over. I'll try not to shout too much if you are.
So I thought that I would show you my Dad's present today seeing as I showed you Mum's yesterday.
Those might know that Dad is pretty into his golf so I made him a golf club cover. But not just any cover oh no. It's him in knitted form! Although, I think that I was very generous with the amount of pom pom hair I gave him.
I knitted this on straight needles even though it probably would have been easier to knit it up on double pointed or circular needles.
But it was cool though because it meant that I got to learn a technique called mattress stitch for when I was sewing it together. I love mattress stitch as it helps create a seamless seam. How I wish I had learnt it sooner. Looking back on my past projects, I realise that my seams were pretty shoddy. But still, I've learnt it now. I've actually learnt a lot through knitting all these presents, it's been great!
Oh and the 'R' on the front by the way is his initial not some new fangled golf club.
Excelent work all round. Have you seen/read Voyage of the Dawn Treader? The Robert golf club cover makes him look like a monopod!
Thanks. No I haven't watched the new narnia movie. I would quite like to see it though as I've heard a few good reviews about it. I think that the golf club cover looks a tidsy bit like a sontaran with the shaped head it's got.
Yes now you mention it...
Sontar-ha etc
Dawn Treader is the best of the three so far, although they muck about with the plot as usual...
SOrry forgot to put my name on that one!
Don't worry, I knew it was you anyway!
Do you know if the Dawn Treader is still in the cinemas?
The film I really wan't to see is 127 hours.
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