Show and tell time number 1
Well the presents have all been opened now so finally, I'm able to show you everything I've been so busy with in the last few months.
Rather cool was that my presents were the first ones to be opened!
I think to give these presents the best chance to shine, I'll show you them in separate posts. So, without further ado, here is the first installment:
This is what I made for my twin, Ellen. A travel pillow. I
thought it fitted in quite nicely with our future plans happening next year. I'll tell you more about this in another post!
Inside is a fleece cushion which I made and sewed together. The stars I was really pleased with. I crocheted and then blanket stitched them on. The edging is also crocheted.
One of first things that Ellen noticed though for some strange reason was the wooden buckles. I found these in Boyes and just had to get them. I think they go really nicely with the moss stitch border don't you think?
Anyway, I hope that it will come in handy. If she doesn't use it though, I know I certainly will!
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