In the last couple of weeks, I've started going to a sign language course.
The course runs for ten weeks and covers the basics you need for progressing onto level 1 BSL. I'd love to go on to do the levels if I could as I'm really keen to learn the language as much as I can.
I've been fascinated with sign language ever since I was little. I can remember learning the alphabet but never had the opportunity to learn anything more until now.
I'm doing the course with my friends and my twin sister which is great because it means we can practise together. It was actually my friend who pointed out the course a few months ago.
The course so far is good fun and the people there are lovely. It's a small group; just 12 of us all wanting to learn for various reasons.
We've covered a lot already actually. So far we've covered the alphabet, (this was actually really good for me as I was able to learn the proper way for signing it left handed as I do. I'm the only left handed signer there! Always was unique!!) we've learnt questions i.e who, what, where and so on, days of the week, months, holidays and numbers.
It's all very cool!
You could get a job on the TV one day. Can you get signing on all TV progammes?
I should imagine that there are loads of opportunities for using this technique.
yeah there are lots of ways you can put sign language skills to good use so if I go on to learn it at a high level, then who knows where that will take me.
One of the opportunities I'm finding good with sign language right now though is that Ellen and I can have conversations together about someone in the room but they have no clue what we're saying!!!
That is very useful!
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