This is a song that my cousin Bethan and I wrote together whilst I was down visiting them in Devon. It's called Tip of the tongue.
I had a great few days working with Bethan on this. We seemed to work really well together and managed to combine ideas that really gelled. I really hope that we get another chance to write together soon. What with us living on different sides of the country though, it's going to take a bit of planning. I guess we could do it through skype or something. That would be cool!
The way we're sitting playing our guitars looks really funny doesn't it! It literally is a case of we're mirror image with each other what with me playing left handed and her right. Now if we were identical twins playing then that would look really freaky!
Enough of my ramblings. Enjoy the song and please leave some feedback.
Well - that was fantastic! I haven't looked at your blog for ages and found a real treat. You blend so well together- very professional playing and confident vocals - WELL DONE. Both B. Funnings as well. Amazing!
It was a treat to be there Jen.Their voices went so nicely together esp when Bex started to harmonise. Here's to the first of many?!
I'll second that notion! The harmonies were great - I'd love to see more from you two. Maximize your potential and all that! =P
wowzas bekah - your guitar playing has come on leaps and bounds since I heard you last! Sorry I haven't been on here recently... I saw a craft thing the other day and it reminded me of your blog! Brilliant scarf... i love it. How was soul survivor? Also loved to hear about the primark trip with Ellen. Is she off to uni now? send my love to jenna and the family xx hannah monty xx
Thank you for your comments!!
Hey Hannah! Great to hear from you. Hope you've been well.
I've been watching both guitar videos but can't seem to find any improvement between those to playings. My guitar playing become so much better but I thought that you couldn't really see that in the videos.
Soul survivor was brilliant. I went with just my Dad so that was pretty cool to share the expereince with him. I really felt God with me especially on the last night. I also came away with the feeling that I was being called to learn sign language so I'm doing a course at the end of September!
Yeah the day out with Ellen to Primark was good. It was crazy though. We were in there for hours. It was a huge store though so I guess that was easy to do. I don't think even then we saw everything! Got some dungarees!!! I've wanted a pair for ages so v cool.
Ellen is now on a gap year. We're hopefully going to be off travelling together around March time. Off to Aussie and News Zealand and varies other countries. She's looking at uni's at the moment.
Please keep looking and commenting on my blog when you can because I really do love hearing from you xxxxx
Excellent song. V impressive work.
Are you going to work on an album of stuff? Tricky logistically I suppose.
OK so one of you needs to get a bass guitar now!
thanks! It's funny you should say that about the bass because we were saying the same thing when we were writing the song.
I think we'd both love to write more songs together but as you say, it's tricky. Dad was talking about doing it through skype which could work. Either that or I go and stay with them every now and then!
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