I've been doing lots of baking recently. Allow me to show you around some of my edible creations.

This here is a mosaic chocolate button cheesecake. I made it with my little sister Megan the other week. It was her last day of the summer holidays so I thought that we would have a nice time baking together. She adores giant buttons so I came up with the idea of putting a mosaic design of them on top.
Last week, I got given a bag of apples that were picked from my friends garden so I've spent the week cooking them up into varies recipes.
I made this apple and ginger cake with a hazelnut crumble topping...
Gotta make a crumble if you have apples don't you?!!
Then last night we made a coco pops strawberry custard cream flan. We had some coco pop mix le
ft over so I made some sandcastles out of them!

So there we are. Everythinng that I've cooked in the last couple of weeks. Have I made you drool on your computer keyboard yet??
But what is it doing to your father's waistline?
He's not been too bad actually. He has been quite busy so hasn't really had the chance to do the old 'tidy up the edges' trick.
Then who does eat it all? Hmm?
well that's the funny thing. I expected these cakes to go like wildfire but believe it or not they actually take a while to go. Yesterday I had to literally shove the last piece of apple cake in someone's direction just so they would eat it. hmm...dos that mean that they're not very good then?? I mean, they said they were lovely but they could just be saying that couldn't they...!
I get this also. I like making cakes but actually eating them is not so great for me as I am trying to get a bit of weight off.
So I make them and it takes Stephen ages to get through them. I made a mighty Battenburg last week - it still hasn't all gone! (Made it out of the Great British Baking book from the recent Bake Off series. Nice book.)
PS did you see my other comments on your fish post?
yum yum. I love battenburg. Is it hard to do? I'd love to make that! I don't think I have had a look at the other fish comments actually. Hang on, I'll go check now!
Easy-peasy to make Battenburg.
Here's recipe :
You have to devise a way of dividing the cake tin so you can cook half plain/half pink sponge. I did it with foil. This recipe says baking parchment.
Stick the whole lot together with apricot jame and get some marzipan round it.
Looks impressive but is actually a doddle! You could also do half in chocolate sponge.
Apricot jame?
Interesting. never heard of that before! It could be something that Jamie makes!
I'll be definitely be making that cake. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of the recipe. I might even make it tomorrow if I'm not busy!
Your baking looks wonderful - great granny would have been very proud of you as she was a wonderful cook.
aww thanks!
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