My dad and I have started up swimming a few times a week as a way of getting fitter. I love swimming and having been in a place where I was unable to exercise for quite a few years, I often dreamed of the day when I was able to get fit. I promised myself that I would get myself the fittest I've ever been.
So hopefully by swimming I can kick start that aim in good fashion. I had a good session today swimming 28 lengths of the pool. But what made me really proud was that I swam two lots of ten lengths without stopping and I felt good for more!
My Dad has also given me a proposition. He proposes that we both do the Great North Swim together which is a a mile long. As sensible beings that we are, we're not doing it this September but rather next year! But it's a good thing to aim for though isn't it.
Awesome! That's a really cool idea. My friend and I decided we were going to go swimming once every week at one point and we did for a few weeks but it sort of petered out. I'm sure you'll do much better than we did!
Swimming is the best exercise regime - good for your dad! I have never managed to get past one length - I suppose there is a pain barrier to get through first. Never heard of the Great North Swim - a mile seems an awful long way - where does this event happen? You do have plenty of water up your way! Good luck with the training.
yeah you're right. There is a certain barrier to get over. But once you get over it I find that you can do lots of lengths all at once. There's a an there who when he started out couldn't breath after 3/4 of a lap but now he swims a mile every hour!
We're going swimming today actually so we might see him!
The event happens in windermere.
Do you have to swim in the lake? won't it be cooooooold???
yep! that's the whole point of the swim! Everyone where's wet suits though so that will make things a bit more bearable. Of course, there always are some crazy people who go in just their trunks!
Hmmm was almost tempted to join you until you mentioned wetsuits.
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