Friday, 18 December 2009

December 18th

Er...sorry about this one! It's one of my Dad's jokes that he wanted me to do!


Elizabeth said...

What can I say...

Bekah Funning said...

It's him all over isn't it! He suggested various other puns for me to do but I relented with this one. Haven't heard from you in a while! Been watching the animations day by day or have you had to have a big catch up sess?!

Anonymous said...

Well I thought it was funny, but we are the same age nick

Elizabeth said...

Yeah sorry it's been a bit mad at work for the last three weeks. Finished now though!
We have been enjoying watching these!
I think you are coming down after Christmas? Can you bring your whiteboard and show Alexander how it's done? (And me ahem...)

Bekah Funning said...

Yeah everyone except Ellen are coming down after christmas. We wouldn't be able to travel at the moment though! It just keeps on snowing and snowing! This is by far the most I've ever seen at once. How much snow do you have?

Yeah that sounds a brilliant idea! I'll bring my whiteboard and tripod down for sure. We could all make a little animation together. And Alexander can show me his animation that I was unable to see too!Looking forward to seeing you all!