Thursday, 8 October 2009

It's a memory Stig!!!!!

Because of all the artwork and animation that's saved on my laptop, I've been getting quite worried about losing it all of it. Wouldn't that be just be pull out your hair awful?
My Dad encouraged me to get a memory stick as soon as possible. But who wants to get a plain looking memory stick? BORING! So I searched the net for a fun one and found this... A memory STIG!
How cool is that!!


Elizabeth said...


Have you seen this?

and this

Bekah Funning said...

ha ha! That's funny. I think I've seen that advertised when I bought a top gear mad once. Played on the game! I liked that all the episodes were put in it. Can you beat my reocrd of finding everything in 30 seconds?!

Granny said...

Wish I knew how to use one!

Bekah Funning said...

it's incredibly easy! All you do is stick it into your computer and then find it in 'my computer'. Open it up and then just drag the things you want to put on your stick into the opened file. It helps if you rename the stick's title that appears on 'my computer' because it's easier to identify it then. Hope that helps. It's hard giving good instructions!