I decided to try my hand at a bit of real life drawing the other day so I drew a part of my room that I could see from my bed. And I don't mean the bed that's featured in the picture! That's just a pull out bed that was out at the time because we had my Nana up to stay therefore my sister had to sleep in my room.
It's the first time I've done drawing like this since for years so for a first time I guess it wasn't too bad!
(You may need to click to enlarge it in order see it better because the photo isn't very good!)
Looks good - good proportions. Let's see some more!
Thanks! I'm definitly going to be doing more! Really enjoyed doing it!
Good work Bekah - you have a talent for drawing.
Oh thank you! I really want to pursue my art because I love doing it. I know that if I went and did lessons I would get even better. Do you have any tips for me?!
I think the obvious tip is to keep practising! Keep a sketch book about your person at all times and sketch stuff.
Practise makes perfect so they say!
How is that plane getting on?
And those knitted things?
Yeah the knitted monsters are going well. Got both sides done so all I have to do is sew it together. There's been a bit of a lull in production on the plane cos my desk has been taken up with my animation and artwork! Still, planning to get it done soon.
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