Saturday, 19 September 2009

Great North Run!!!!!

It's time for another shout out so hold your ears!
Good luck to all the runners tommorow especially my Dad and my twin sister, my Uncle and his sister-inlaw. Your all going to be brilliant but rather smelly and sweaty out the end I bet! I'm not looking at anyone in particular...DAD!!!!! My Dad sweats so much that he can actually ring his t-shirt out and droplets pour out!
This is going to be my Dad's sixth time running the Great North but my sister's first so I think she's pretty nervous!
Have fun everyone!


Nana said...

Yeah good luck guys!

Granny said...

Didn't they do well! Absolutely wonderful to run a marathon at 17. Hope dad and ellen have recovered. A great achievement by all.

Anonymous said...

=O I was not nervous at all thank you missy!!!
Thanks for the shout out though lovely!! x

Anonymous said...

Be you next Bekah!