Thursday, 28 March 2013

It's been a while...

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted on here. A ridiculously long time to the point that I doubt anyone will actually read this!

But just incase you are reading (and thank you very kindly for doing so!) I thought I would show you what I've done lately.

College has been the main thing really. Been busy with a few projects particularly one that I've just completed the other week. This was a pretty nice project as we were allowed to create whatever we liked. As I'm into animation, I thought I would give it a whirl.

So writing and performing my own song, I then animated a cut out paper animation to it:

Hope you enjoy watching it. Consisting of 1,989 frames, it took about a week to film. Not bad going at all when you consider that Aardman film about 4 seconds a week!

I definitely enjoyed the whole process and it's something that excites me to want to explore in the future. Next year is going to be a particularly interesting time as I'll be beginning to work out what I want to study at University. Wow, even just saying that reminds just how much my life has changed since starting this blog!

The other thing that I've just started to do is I've set up a proper Youtube channel for all of my singing and guitar playing videos. Quite a few people over the months have asked me to do this and I thought it would be a nice way of doing another area of my life that I love to do as well as helping me to improve at the same time.

You can have nosy if you want!:

My plan is do continue writing my songs as well as doing covers. Should all be fun.

Well, considering that I last posted around the Christmas, I'm now going to do a big jump from that and wish you all a lovely Easter!

Oh, once last thing before I go, you're more than welcome to have a look around my college blog. As you'll see, I post A LOT on there involving all things art and designy you can find the link here or go to the side bar on the left of this post below the profile tab to follow the link there.