Finally I can show you what I've really been busy doing in these past few weeks aside from holidaying and chasing around laptop companies!
As part of my birthday presented, I was given money (and permission!) to redecorate my room. Having had my room decorated in a very particular way, I've found that I've got to the stage now where I've grown out of it and need a space where I can express something new.
I want my room to have a real focus on all of my photos. Over the past couple of years, I've been increasingly taking more photographs and have now collected a great many photos of some good times. The thing that has been frustrating though is that I've had nowhere to really have them out on show. I love having photos out there that you can always look at rather than just collecting them in a book.
But first, I needed to find a colour. The colour that I really love at the moment is a lovely dark grey/blue. I think for me, it's a colour that is quite bold but is also quite 'grown up' as it were. I put grown up in inverted commas as I actually got the inspiration for this colour from Dr Who!
If you're a fan of Dr Who then you'll know that there are a couple of scenes set in Amy Pond's bedroom where she has this brilliant shade of blue in her room. If you're not a fan then here's a photo of it here:

I love this colour so much! So using this photo, I thought it would be pretty easy to find a match. Famous last words! It was such a hard task as working off a photograph turns out to give a wide variation on the actual colour.
Back and forth I went to get test pots on the colour that I thought would be a match. It got to a point when I was making so many visits that the staff began to recognise me and then wish me good luck on the new colour.
Still though, I couldn't find the right colour and it was turning into a bit of an obsession. I was literally one of those people who stood staring at the wall asking, 'Which blue? This one or that one?' 'No they're not the same, look they're completely different!!!'
Oh dear. But wait! I finally found it after accepting that it wasn't going to be utterly identical. Niagara Blues 2 was the colour name, Horray!
With the colour ready to go on the walls, it was time to start making way for the change. This involved me shoving most of my things into a cardboard box and pushing my furniture into the middle of the room.
So lets take a look at the before and after shots shall we? Hey, I'll even do the corny voiceover for the transformation!
Bekah's room was childlike with an unappetising shade of yellow...
Now, a mature tone of colour and the rearranging of furniture gives her the space to express her new ideas...
The whole makeover took longer than a day to do. In fact, it took 4 days from the first bit of painting going the wall to it looking like this. What the tv makeover shows always conveniently miss out is how long it takes to de-clutter and sort things out!
The other thing that took so long was having to paint over the camouflage wall a few times. Oh and remember the robot mural? Well that's gone now too. All change. Oh tip for future guys, painting over acrylic, bit of a nightmare so it's much easier if you just sand it off.
I can't get over how much bigger my room is now just by moving some things about. I put the bed at this angle as this now means that I can watch films on my projector in a much better way as it acts as a bit of a sofa.
The room is literally like a bare canvas so keep your eyes peeled in the future for what I do with all the free space. Should be exciting as I've already started to add some things up there...