Saturday, 25 February 2012

Pregnant or not pregnant?!

Hello! A little update on the doggie front here. For those of you who maybe don't know, I've have recently mated my dog Jenna in the hope that we will have some little puppies!
I would say now that I am fairly sure that she is pregnant! All the signs seem to be there pointing towards a positive answer anyway.

I wish though that I could be able to say a definite yes or no. At this point if you know what you're feeling for, you can actually feel the puppies but as I don't, it's a bit hard to tell and have figured that maybe my clumsy fumbling probably won't help matters so have kept well alone from the prodding and poking you see the vets do.

Speaking of the vets, as I would quite like more of a definite answer, I have booked her into the vets to have a scan! This way I'll get that definite answer I'm looking for and maybe an idea of how many puppies she's having if she is!

All potentially very exciting. Another thing that I've had to start getting ready is a whelping box for Jenna to hopefully give birth in. After seeing the range of boxes available to buy, I decided to make my own! So I've been out today buying wood and lino and have made a start on making a Jenna Box as I call it.

I know that you might think that I'm getting ahead of myself and that I should wait till I've had the scan done but the thing is that you have to get them used to the whelping box a couple of weeks before the birth. Jenna at the moment if all goes well, is about two and a half weeks from giving birth!

I'll put the photos of the box once I've finished making it on here so you can have a look shall I?!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Let them eat cake!

As Marie Antoinette famously didn't say! I thought that I'd post some pictures of the cake in action along with the party that went in tow.

It was a really nice party actually with a lady called Wendy Moore coming in to do some henna on the girls. She did a great job creating beautiful patterns on our hands and she was such a lovely lady so thanks Wendy for coming!

Henna in action!

A party of henna hands! The black paste you see on most of the hands eventually dries and flakes off revealing the brown dye.

I then got one! As I wear a tribal style ring, I thought it would be cool to get a pattern that would go nicely with it.

Depending on how skanky you are, the henna lasts for a couple of weeks.

After the henna was tidied away and the girls were off playing games, I went to go and collect the pizzas. I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon! As a newly passed driver, I found it a somewhat scary experience driving with pizza that was quite hot causing the car to fog up from the inside. Not even the fan seemed to help much so I ended up driving home with the window down!

With the pizzas precariously delivered, these were quickly gobbled down.
Cake time I think!

These were special candles that burnt the colour of the candle. They burn stronger colours than in this picture here but you can see definite shades of greens especially popping out from the flame!

So pleased with the size of this cake! I got good comments on the texture too which was light and fluffy. Still though, I don't think it quite lives up to my Nana's sponge which is a classic!

Needless to say, the cake has now all gone. Cake as I'm sure is the case in most households never stay around for long!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

And in other news..

Thought that I would fill you in on some important little bits of information that have been going on for me in my absence from Bekah's Corner.

  • I passed my driving test the other week!! After putting it off for a while I finally took the plunge and went in for my test. Obviously it went really well and only got 1 minor (you're allowed to have 15 before it's a fail) which I couldn't believe! And yes, don't worry, I'm being sensible and I know that I've still got a lot more to learn etc etc!

  • I've just set up with my course group our first exhibition! This for me is so exciting. Open to the public so anyone can view our work, this is hopefully the first of a few more exhibitions in the future?! The link to my college blog is on the left of this post just below my 'About me' section. If you click on the link, you'll be able to see what I've been up to!

  • I've started volunteering at Guide Dogs for the blind. I was recommended the position in advertising sporting events for the charity by my tutor which was a huge compliment. I work at the office on Friday's and with a couple of brilliant people, I help to design advertisement campaigns for people to do sporting events in a charity place. So far I have helped to do and send off design briefs for the Great North and Great South Run as well as pushing some charity places for the Reading half Marathon!

  • Speaking of the Great North Run, I've got a place to run in it! Running hopefully with my Dad if he manages to get a place somewhere, I'm really looking forward to doing it as it's something that I've always wanted to do.

  • After filling out a Games Maker volunteer application form years ago it feels now for the Olympics, I've just received word that I have got an interview for one of the roles! This still means that there are no guarantees for me making it as a Games Maker, but I'm closer than I was before which is exciting. My interview is in March so I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

  • And finally, I bred my dog Jenna a few weeks ago. Time will tell if she is pregnant or not but so far, it's looking encouraging! She seems to be showing some signs of being pregnant so watch this space! If she is preggers, she'll be due between March 17 and March 21.
So all go here! Maybe it helps explain why I haven't been posting on here but it's still no real excuse. Besides, I've missed not being on here. I know that not many people read this but I see this as one big diary which I love to flick back through from time to time to see how my life is planning out. The plus side for you is that it's a diary that I actually encourage people to have a snoop around so go on, have a nosey and keep tuned for more!

The icing on the cake!

Well I've just seen the last time I posted on here and saw that it was way back in November, so bad! That can't be right I thought but it's there in black and white! So guess I should start off this post by saying happy new year even though that seems ridiculous also as we are now well into 2012!

With the half term now well underway, I've had some free time on my hands which has been great after a very busy but brilliant half term at college where I did photography working with film and developing in the darkroom as just one of the things I got up to!

But anyway, back to half term. With my sister having a very late birthday party today, she and I were busy at work yesterday making a birthday cake. She is having a henna party with a lady coming in to create henna on the girls and hopefully me too!

So what better way to bring in this theme than to do henna of an edible kind on the cake!

Pretty yummy if I do say so myself! It's a Victoria sponge cake decorated iced beautifully by my sister, Megan. She was a bit reluctant at first to ice as she was afraid that she would ruin it bless her. To help her start, I traced the flower onto the cake for her to ice over. After that, she was away and there was no stopping her! The side of the cake is all her own making and the love heart shapes on the top make perfect holders for the candles to go on later!

As I said before, she did a beautiful job and I'm really quite proud of her!