Friday, 27 August 2010

Doctor who scarf...done!!

Yay!!! Finally after months of hard work, I can say that I have now made the doctor who scarf!
I actually finished it last week but things have been so busy that I just hadn't gotten round to telling you until now. I nearly told you about it in my last post but thought I'd leave it so that it could get the full spotlight and attention.
The scarf is now so big that it was a two man job to get the pictures of it done and of course, you need to see a picture of me actually wearing it don't you!!
All of my spare time was spent on this project. Now that it's completed, it really did feel like I found myself at a bit of a loss on what to do instead!
I've since managed to fill this little void in my life now though by doing (yep, you guessed it) more knitting.
The knitting bug has well and truly got it's hold on me.
I'm learning a lot of techniques I've never tried before so I've found it great fun and a bit of a personal challenge to teach myself. So far I've managed the art of Intarsia, fair isle and the double pointed needles. Cicular needle-ing has also been done but I've not been able to do anything on them because I think I've got the wrong length for what I had in mind.
So with all this knitting I've been doing, it's meant that I have/am going to have, lots of thing to show you!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Knit one, crochet one!

Boy it's been a busy few weeks!
I've just come back from a Christian camp called Soul Survivor and on top of that, managed to do lots of crafty projects.
The two little soft toys above I made actually just before Soul Survivor but this has been the first proper chance I've had to tell you about them. The hedgehog (which I name Harriet) was crocheted and the purple penguin knitted. I must be a lot faster at crocheting as the hedgehog only took a few hours but the penguin on the other hand took about a day in total.
It seems quite funny that I should be faster at crocheting as I haven't been doing it that long compared to my knitting. Maybe I just find it easier because you only use one tool to crochet so you're more hands in there.
Anyway, on that little rambling side thought, where was I?
Harriet the hedgehog has gone to her new owner already. I went to visit my aunt who lives in Wales the other day so I made Harriet as a gift to her.
The penguin still has it's residence here with me at the moment but will hopefully go to my other aunt who is, as you may have guessed, is crazy about purple! I'm not sure when I'll see her next so the penguin will have to take a trip in a jiffy bag I think.
I'm hoping that all you lot are having a good summer. I know the weather is a bit of a wash out most of the time here but hopefully you've had some good times anyway and even mangaged to get away to somewhere nice!