Wednesday 9 June 2010

Half A World Away by Oasis

As I said I might do a couple of weeks ago, here is a video of me playing my new guitar and singing.

The song is by Oasis and some of you might recognise it as the theme tune from The Royal Family.

I hope you enjoy watching the video. It is not perfect and my singing is a bit off from time to time. I like to think though that I can hold a tune that doesn't hurt your ears anyway!

Please let me know what you think. I feel quite brave putting this on my blog actually. I'm very crictical of myself especially with singing. I lack self estem as I'm sure many of us do so I thought that by just going for it and putting this on my blog, it will boost my confidence to do things that scare me! As the Nike slogan says: Just Do It! Through this, I had an idea that would help me improve my guitar playing skills too. If you want to suggest a song for me to learn then I would love that and I could then perform it on my blog.


megan-elizz said...

thats awesome!!! Your singing is really really good! And your guitar playing too! love you loads xxxx

Bekah Funning said...

aww thanks meggie moo!! love you lots too! xxx

E said...

Well that was bloody good!

Well done! Not out of tune at any point.

Two things :
1. Is it a tad too low? What's it like if you shift the capo up a notch?
2. Much of the impact of a song is in your contact with the audience. I know it's a webcam but if you made eye contact with the camera it would really bring it alive. Even if you do feel embarrassed, try not to look it!

PS You have a load of spam on comments on a previous post.

Bekah Funning said...

thanks! yeah it is prehaps a tad low for me isn't it. I already put the capo up twice so thought I would play it at the lowest I could get away with seeing as it's meant to be played with no capo on at all. It's a male singing song at the end of the day.

The reason I wasn't looking at the camera was because I had the words and chords underneath the camera!! I know I should have learnt the song of by heart but I was in the mood for just recording and going for it! At least I have my face in it though. A friend of mine does her performances on youtube with just her guitar showing. I call her the singing t-shirt!
When I do another song, I'll try and look in the camera because I agree it does look a bit funny.

On the spam thing, it's really annoying. I try to delete them when I find it though.

E said...

It's standard practice to change the key of a song to suit your voice - don't worry about it!