Saturday 28 April 2012

My piece

Well I told you that I would show you my final piece soon. I'm really eager to show this work to you as I'd welcome any feedback particularly in the way of what to call it. I feel that it needs a title but I can't think of one that is suitable.

But never mind that for now, lets show you the piece itself:

The assignment that we were given had a title of 'Being Human'. In this we could work with whatever medium we chose and do whatever sub theme we wanted as long it fitted into being human.

For this, I chose to do humanities relationship with religion as I feel this a big part of what sets us apart from any other being on this planet.

Here you can see in my piece a figure emerging from a book. The figure has been made completely out of the bible that it's coming out of in order to hopefully give the analogy of how we use the bible to help shape our faith and also in a way our identities through that.

The light that's been placed inside I hope signifies the strength that we often draw from religion and a hope and trust that fuels people with religious beliefs on.

I found it quite a challenging subject to try and portray into art. At first I was planning on creating a paper cut like the one I created for my mum for mother's day below:

However, I found such a big message hard to convey in 2D form such as this so thus was born the 3D book sculpture.

I'm keen as I said to hear what people think of it as feedback good or bad I think is an important part of improving as an artist which is obviously something that I'm keen to do.

Having finished this piece the other day, we then go straight into our final major piece of the year on Monday. I can't believe that this will be the last assignment of this college year. I've loved it so much and can't wait to progress onto my next course.

I guess I have to say something about that actually. It's looking now like I'm going to be doing the 2 year level 3 course instead of Foundation. Though this in some way is a bit of a shame, it's the best thing as it gives me time to get those essential GCSE's and more time to think about what I want to study at University. But whatever course I take, I know I'll love it as either way I'll be doing art!

Friday 27 April 2012

Crocheting again

Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. I know that there are a couple of religious followers that check my blog every day so I thought I'd write this post so as not to disappoint them anymore than I may have done already!

Well it's been a whirlwind of a last couple of weeks here. The puppies are now over 5 weeks old so the care that the require has stepped up a lot. With the early morning demanding feeds several times a day, I can't think that it's too dissimilar to having a baby especially when they wake you at 4.30 in the morning!

But apart from that, they are such a joy to have and I'm loving it as you can see above! And that's just as well because at the moment, only one of them has been sold despite adverts up for them on a couple of sites. I'm sure I'll get them sold eventually but at the moment, it's looking like we might have them for a while!

College has also been a busy time as I've just been in the throws of final piece week for my latest assignment. I'm keen to show you my piece which is now all finished so watch out for that in another post.

And I don't know how, but somehow I've managed to actually pick up my crochet hook again (after blowing the cobwebs of it as I haven't crocheted or knitted for ages) and create a little gift for someone at the college who was unfortunately leaving. 

 Flicking through crochet books, I found this little owl that I've always wanted to make so did for this lady at college.

I was surprised at how I hadn't lost the flow of crocheting at all. I guess it's one of those skills that you don't lose, like riding a bike! It was great to be doing some crocheting again. It took me a nice evening watching some catch up TV and I think the gift went down well.

Well I think that's all from me at the moment. I'll put up a post about my final piece soon I promise so keep your eyes peeled.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Puppy Pictures

It's been a couple of days since I said that I would put photographs on and I've finally gotten round to sorting them now. Believe me, it was hard to tell which puppy was which given that they all look remarkably similar front on.

These collection of photos were taken to show how they had just opened their eyes properly for the first time! As I didn't want to use flash, I used a relatively slow shutter speed which was hard to use when you are trying to capture squirmy puppies. But, I'd rather have some slightly blurry photos than blind puppies from a flash any day.

I know that they'll all look the same to you (they do to me in these photos!) but I've really studied them to be able to tell you exactly who's who. Enjoy!









So there you are! Do you have any favourites?!