Saturday 23 January 2010

Exciting news!

Thought I'd let you guys in on some very exciting news!
I'm getting a puppy!!!!! Those of you who know, I've been aiming to get one called Jenna for ages now and I'm so happy to say that, I went to Ambleside and met her yesterday!
She's so gorgeous and when I was there, she was happy to just snuggle into me. The breeder says that she's her favourite puppy from the litter born because she's quiet and clever.
I'm going to take her home on Friday which gives me time to get everything prepared. In the meantime though, I'm off to visit her again on Tuesday I think so that should break up the time a bit! It's like christmas all over again!!
Now this I think is a post worthy enough of a few comments to let me know what you think of her!


Elizabeth said...

Who's going to be Top Dog??

Bekah Funning said...

Well It'll probably be Peppa who will be the top 'dog' because she's older, but I'm going to be leader of Jenna. She WILL look up to me!

Elizabeth said...

Yeah right...

Bekah Funning said...

Just you wait! I'll show you!

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah how exciting bekah!! your own dog!! wowza. hope she settles in well, i'm sure you'll be the best dog trainer ever. hannah x

Bekah Funning said...

Aw! Thanks so much!! I hope she settles in well too! I'm really determined to have her well trained. I've got the time and patience so mixed with this determination, I should have a good chance. Have you got any pets or is it just not right for where your at in life? Jenna is going to be a major part of my life and a lot of my future will be shaped differently to if I didn't have her.

Anonymous said...

We dont' have pets in Edinburgh. Tom's a bit funny about them, doesn't' really want any... but I've always grown up with LOADS of animals (as I'm sure you remember from visiting my mum and dad's house/farm/menagerie!) Funny thing is that Tom's actually much more fond of dogs than I am. I like cats a lot... but I just wouldn't justify having either unless we lived in a flat or house with a garden, I dont' think it's fair. So atm, niente. But I shall enjoy seeing photos of Jenna, she looks so cute! I saw Ellen's photos on facebook as well. So have you got any plans for training Jenna? hanxx

Granny said...

I hope you both will have a long and happy time together. She looks lovely - beautiful eyes. I do hope that she and Peppa will jell. They will certainly look good together with their contrasting coats.


Bekah Funning said...

Thank you granny! I'm writing this just about to go off to collect her!!!!! I'm so so excited but also quite nervous! It's going to be hard work but I really think it will be amazing!x

Granny said...

The latest pics are lovely - didn't realise she is so tiny compared to Peppa. I like the warning finger - hope she takes heed! Does she have a favourite toy yet or the equivalent of a comfort blanket?
You can book me an Easter bunny if you get to make any - I expect a lot of your projects are on hold at present.
Glad things are going well for Jenna. Love Granny x