Sunday 22 November 2009

Film reel mirror!

For all of today I have been busy in my room measuring and cutting out black paper. I went out to the shops yesterday and got a big roll of it. I wanted to spice up my mirrors a bit and thought that to do them up in a film reel style would be pretty cool. The whole process took longer than I thought it would but I did go at a slow pace because I'm a bit under the weather with a cold at the moment.
All the squares you see were orignally white card that I lined up beforehand to get it perfecto. Once I was happy with it I then hand to cut out all these squares with a carving knife in order to get the see through effect. I was going to put strips going across the mirror so it would look the the frames in the reel but I had to take them off becuase when I looked, it made my reflection all break up so I wouldn't then have a proper mirror which was part of the point of this whole have a cool mirror!
All in all, not a bad days work! Let me know what you think!


Granny said...

Where do you get your ideas from?
A very individual mirror.

Bekah Funning said...

Ha ha! Funnily enough, Nana asked me the same question! The ideas just come from my head! I don't know, I guess I can envision things quite well so that helps me when I come up with a trial of thought. Nana wonders whether I'll ever run out of ideas. I hope I don't cos I love having my quirky little ideas racing round my mind!

Sally said...

Looks great! These things always take longer than expected! How are thre shelves doing?
Oh I've just remembered we need to find a spider!!