Wednesday 28 October 2009

Movie reviews!

I've been away for the past few days hence the reason it went all silent on my blog for a short time but I'm sure you'll all be relieved to hear that I'm back now and haven't fallen off the face of the earth after all. HEY! I heard disappointed groan of yours!
I went to the cinema a couple of times when I was on my little vacation. I went to see the new Disney Pixar film UP and also Fantastic Mr Fox.
There's been a lot of hype about both films; UP especially. I think when films get a lot of hype and positive attention like this they tend to make people go in with higher expectations than they otherwise maybe wouldn't have. I don't know if this was the case with me but I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The first half I felt was good with plenty of laughs and gaffs put into it but I found myself actually getting slightly bored during the middle of it. Nevertheless, I thought that all in all it was ok. Not amazing but not terrible either.
Fantastic Mr Fox is of course based on the book of Roald Dahl's. You can definitely feel the crazy vibe of Dahl seeping through the movie! It's wacky, witty and a little bit odd! The film has been done in traditional stop motion which was brilliant and very interesting for me, the budding animator! Personally, I really liked it but I don't think it's for you if you don't like films that are even the tiniest bit kooky.
So there was my attempt at being a movie critic! These are just my thoughts on the films so don't let me put you off if you wanted to see them. Go and have a watch of them and tell me what you thought!


E said...

Well we went to see Up in 3D today and I really liked it. Yes it did start to feel a bit long in the middle - you are waiting for him to get to Paradise Falls and he does, and then lo and behold a whole new storyline starts, but it was redeemed for me by Dug the Dog.
And by the idea that he (Carl) eventually had to let go of everything to do with his old life in order to go forward. Backs up my not very original theory that having too much "stuff" can hold you back.
I liked both films - different animation, different styles, but both worth seeing.

Bekah Funning said...

I agree with what you said about the film completely. I wish that I had seen it in 3D because I bet that would have enhanced the viewing of it. I'd like to see it again when it came out on DVD. I find that watching it on DVD a second time sort of helps me in making my mind up about the film for certain. I loved the dog dug! I like it when they get distracted mid-senctence shouting out SQUIRREL! That I think sums up dogs perfectly... or at least it does for Peppa!